Safety first

‘‘When safety leads, quality exceeds.”

E&N Electric LLC is a family owned and operated company at both the office and field. All our electricians are trained on proper lock out tag out procedures. We understand the risk we take every day in any setting (residential, commercial, and industrial), therefore, we take precautions to insure everyone’s safety.

Every morning our team begins the day with a toolbox talk. Our whole team participates in the discussion and the topics we cover range from our everyday lives to the workplace. Some examples are staying hydrated, proper use of harnesses, safe driving, and the importance of a clean job site.

Some examples of the personal protective equipment we use:

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Our safety culture does not stop there. We encourage our team to speak up about any potential hazards they may see at job sites. We are aware of how highly important it is to follow rules and regulations at specialized facilities to avoid the spread of contaminants that are usually generated during construction projects. Those contaminants include dust, hair, and metal shavings. Our care when it comes to avoiding the spread of contaminants is critical in food, beverage, dairy, and pharmaceutical facilities.